Tuesday, June 10, 2014

PROScout Tutorials: Peek-a-View and Proxy Spotting

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/359677-proscout-tutorials-peek-a-view-and-proxy-spotting/

Many of you are familiar with the Peek-a-Boo /Peek-a-Boom style of fighting.   Peek-a-View spotting is the same concept, but with spots as the goal instead of damage.  The Scout hides behind a building, rock, terrain change, etc then pops out just far enough to get spots before quickly retreating back behind his cover.

Obviously, this is highly risky.  You are essentially playing a game of Whack-a-Mole with only 1 hole - and YOU are the mole.  Despite the risk, Peek-a-View is an outstanding tool to have in your bag of tricks.

Think Malinovka and the passage by the water’s edge along the north edge of the central pond/swamp.  The ramp at either end of that path is perfect for Peek-a-View spotting.  You pop up, get spots and immediately retreat a bit back down the ramp, becoming immune to enemy fire.   As soon as the spots disappear, you do it again. 

The same technique is useful on maps and in battles across the spectrum of WOT.  All you need is a terrain feature to provide cover, tanks to spot, and the skill and willingness to take a risk for your team.

Provides spots in areas where Passive and Active spotting may not work.
Usable anywhere you have something to provide cover.
Creates a huge distraction for the enemy team.

Vulnerable to enemy fire when you pop up; they know where you are after the first time you do it.
Often results in you getting “stuck” behind you cover until enemy spots are killed. 
Frequently vulnerable to enemy flanking movements.

Use this style of spotting only when Passive or Active won’t work.

If possible, pop out of cover at different spots.  Peek around the left side of the rock, then the right but don’t be predictable!  Vary your timing, as well.

Only pull out far enough to get spots unless you are certain the enemy tanks are not aimed in at you.   Most of the time, you are more valuable as a spotter than as a sniper.

Before you pop out the first time, it helps to tell your team, especially if you have Arty, to aim in on the location you are about to see tanks.

Can sometimes be combined with Sniping.

When tanks move to a distance 49m or less apart from each other, they automatically light each other up.  This is called Proximity spotting., or Proxy spotting, for short.    It doesn’t matter if rocks, buildings, whatever is in between them.  Line of Sight is not required.

Scouts can take great advantage of this. 

On maps such as Karelia Assault, the defending team often sends a tank to the base of the balcony on top the donut to light up snipers.   Teams in Sand River Assault often do the same thingSometimes the most effective way to expose tanks in the Murovanka’s Magic Forest is to simply run down the medial outside of the Forest, proxy spotting hidden tanks as you go.

If you think about it, Proxy spotting can be used literally anywhere there are enemy tanks.  As battles progress, an alert Scout can frequently find times where he can sneak up to a rock or building and expose an enemy tank he knows is hiding on the opposite side.

Can expose enemy tanks in situations where Line of Sight spotting is unattainable.
Can completely neutralize an enemy tank.
Usable on every map.

By default, you are always lit up when you Proxy.
Susceptible to Arty, flankers, and snipers since they know where you are.
Vulnerabilities limit its use.

Because you are exposed when you Proxy, you must have a great handle on where enemy tanks are before you attempt it.

Pay close attention to the mini-map so you can egress before enemy flankers and/or snipers move into position to attack you.

If needed and possible, playing ring-around-the-rosie with the enemy vehicle can keep you alive long enough for your team to eliminate the tank you are spotting.

If your team has no one able to shoot your spot, you may end up accomplishing nothing but trapping yourself in an untenable position.  Don’t proxy unless you have support available!

Because Proxy spotting puts you in a vulnerable position dependent on your team’s support, it is difficult to combine with other Scout roles.

So there you have it – the 4 basic methods of spotting:  Passive, Active, Peek-a-View and Proxy.  Learn them all; you could very well employ every one of them during the course of a single battle! 

Now, I know some of you are thinking, “Taz, you left out what equipment and skills are good for each type of spotting – wut’s up with that?”  (changed my mind)  I don't include them here because what equipment and skills to use involve consideration of much more than spotting style you will use.  The SCOUT series will take an in depth look at equipment and skills later on in the series.

Next up:  Anti-Scouting


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