Friday, May 30, 2014

Storm talks about 9.1 Test 2

For The Record

Storm is asking for Test round 2 feedback (performance, bugs etc) – he adds that the gun and Hellcat/Jackson engine sounds were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch. The feedback on the gun sounds is conflicting, for the engine sounds it’s positive. Wargaming will take these opinions into account when developing the game further.
There is also a bug that changes the screen side ration, it will be fixed in the live server.
From the discussion:
- the 9.1 test sounds will be polished and they will return in one of the upcoming patches
- more tank engine sounds than Jackson and Hellcat are being recorded
- Storm states that the “moving corpses” bug was already fixed (players claim it is still there)
- engine sounds for exotic tanks will be recorded from “a similiar type of the engine”
- Storm doesn’t consider it a problem that the GPU is stressed in the new hangar more than in combat
- Chat 2.0 – “medium perspective”
- HD model mass-production system is not yet finished
- the mechanism of automatic platoon searching is not being developed yet
- the file “availablecontent.xml”, that appeared in the test client, does not mean there will be DLC, it is tied to the split of the HD and SD client
- the HB crew transfer without penalties “cannot be guaranteed for now” (SS: there was a plan for some of the tanks to act like “premiums” by being able to use crews from different tanks)
- there is little data collected from the test on the 9.1 historical battles
- reworking the decals and hit effects is not in near plans

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